The itching, burning sensation that seems to last forever and continually get worse until you are ready to try just about anything, or scream is something only women who have had to deal with a yeast infection understand. An estimated three out of four women will join the ranks of those who have suffered from yeast infections in their lifetimes.
Transmission Problems
Yeast infections are caused by an imbalance in the Ph levels within the vagina. This causes some very unpleasant symptoms to put it nicely. There are several reasons why women get yeast infections. Antibiotics, birth control pills, sexual transmission, diabetes and sensitivity to soaps or douches are oftentimes the cause.
If you are experiencing vaginal itching, burning, blush and extraction you shouldn't just assume that it is caused by Candida Albicans (the fungus responsible for yeast infections). There are several other possible vaginal problems that share symptoms with a yeast infection. Discuss rehabilitation with your physician to rule out bacterial infection and allergic reaction. If you are pregnant do not use treatments for any condition without discussing it with your physician first.
Once you are sure you have a yeast infection you should start treating the symptoms as quickly as possible so you can be rid of the persistent pain and itching. There are many separate rehabilitation options along with over the counter anti-fungal creams that can clear up a yeast infection in a few days to a week. For more stubborn yeast infections you can use prescribe medication in pill form instead of topical treatments. Most partners receiving gifts, a yeast infection is not what you want to be giving though. If you are sexually active your partner should also be treated for a yeast infection so you don't continue to infect each other.
It is a good idea to find the source of your yeast infection, especially if it happens more than once. Eliminate all possible culprits that are nonessential. If you recently changed your bubble bath or laundry soap they might be the cause. New condoms containing spermicide can also be the culprit. Anyone that has recently changed should be looked into first.
Some uncomplicated changes in your lifestyle can make you less vulnerable to yeast infections. Wearing loose clothing and cotton underwear help to wick moisture away from the body. Yeast requires a warm, dark, moist place to grow if you eliminate the possible breeding ground for yeast you will sell out your risks.
For some women it is impossible to fully avoid yeast infections. There are times when we have to take antibiotics and other times when a stubborn yeast infection seems to have fallen in love with us and won't leave no matter how hard we reject it. It is possible to sell out the risk of flare-ups.
Keeping in mind what causes a yeast infection and taking precautions to sell out your risk is important. Knowing what to watch for, and what to do once you have a yeast infection, can be greatly helpful to those women who aren't able to fully avoid yeast infections in the future.
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